Drug and Alcohol Counselor Certification Education

CCAPP and CADTP are California certification boards and utilize the IC & RC exam process.

Please visit their websites for specific educational requirements.

Fully online ~  Start any time ~ Self-paced ~ Pay as you go

 ~Fast Track~

You can complete our program in as little as 9 months!

Curriculum Overview

Course 1 – Introduction and Overview of Alcohol and Drugs – 48 hours 

Course 2 – Physiology and Pharmacology – 45 hours

Course 3 – Counseling Theories and Techniques – 48 hours 

Course 4 – Case Management – 48 hours 

Course 5 – Law and Ethics – 48 hours 

Course 6 – Personal and Professional Growth – 45 hours

Course 7 – Supervised Practicum 45 hours  and 255 hours Externship


 Externship education is supervised by CARE-EDU.

Externship fieldwork experience hours are supervised and

completed at a physical site location or facility.


Total program cost $3145-   


Includes all course material.  


Course 1-6 exams are auto-scored with online certificate completion generation. Course 7 Practicum assignments are uploaded for supervisor review and scoring.

Online discussion forums will give students the opportunity for review, discussion, application, practice, demonstration, role-playing, supplemental teaching material, and when available, live-streaming.

Students have access to administrator and instructor guidance through onsite appointments, internet forums, email or telephone.